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Bowling at Paso Bowl with Tristan

By November 6, 2011Friends, School

Pismo Bowl with TristanToday, I went bowling with my friend Tristan (he’s in my class). It was a perfect thing to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon. We each played on our own, and also had a team because Tristan’s little sister Ruby decided not to play after we bought a round of bowling for her.

Tristan and I tied in our individual matches (we each had 92) and together we had the highest score as a team (96).  My dad taught us that it is easier to throw the ball from our chest rather than try to roll it the normal way.

After our game, we had burgers and sweet potato fries.  The fries were delicious because I dipped them in a mix of ranch dressing and ketchup.   Then we played a whole bunch of arcade games and Tristan bought me a yellow bouncy ball with a smiley face on it. Tristan told me that, before I arrived at the bowling alley, he almost won an iPhone 4 in one of the games.  The game was called “Stacked”.

On the car ride home I saw a rainbow. That made me feel good.

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